When authors disagree about whether a reference should be moved from screening to full-text, or from full-text to included/excluded, it will appear in the Resolve conflicts page.

Covidence has chosen to blind the votes even during conflict resolution, instead choosing to display only who provided the conflicting votes. This is with the goal of minimising bias in the conflict-resolving vote.


Title and Abstract conflicts:

In this page, you will see who voted, and three options for the final decision: yes, no, and maybe. Note that a 'maybe' vote will move the reference into full-text screening.


Full Text conflicts:

In this page, you will see who voted. If there is one vote for inclusion and one for exclusion, your voting option will be either include or exclude. If both reviewers have voted to exclude but disagree on the reason, you will have to make a final decision on the reason for exclusion.


You can view a short video on the scenarios in which a conflict arises, as well as the consequences of resolving them below: