Guideline discussions supports discussions between Reviewers, Topic Experts and Guideline members on studies related to any PICO within your Guideline. 

Starting a discussion

Select the checkbox next to the study you wish to start a discussion on to enable the start discussion button. 

Enter your question and select the team members you wish to send the question to, then Ask question and an email will be sent to the marketed reviewers, guideline members or topic experts.

Responding to discussions

You can respond to a discussion by clicking View discussion in Covidence button in the email which will redirect you to the question in the Covidence app. 

Alternatively, you are able to access the question directly by clicking the message icon in the top navigation of the relevant review.

Please note if you’re waiting for a reply in the same app session you will need to refresh your webpage for new messages to appear.

Manage your discussions

Your My Discussions page is a summary of all the discussions you have been part of in the specific review. The page splits active and closed discussions by Open and Resolved tabs. To access this page go to your review and click the message icon.

Please note the message icon only appears once you have selected your review. 

Managing guideline discussions

Whilst Topic experts and Reviewers are only able to view discussions they have been invited into. Guideline members are able to view ALL discussions within a Guideline. 

To view the guideline level Discussions page go to the program view of your guideline and click # open discussions or View discussions.

Resolving discussions

To mark a discussion as resolved simply click the Resolve discussion button in the top right corner of your discussion page. 

Pro-tip: each discussion has a unique url; copy and paste the link to add a note in the study list so you are able to easily refer back to the discussion thread.