At the title and abstract screening stage you have the option to vote either "yes", "no" or "maybe". The "maybe" voting option was provided based on user feedback that it can sometimes help speed up the screening process.
A "Maybe" vote is treated the same way as a "Yes" vote, meaning that it will move that citation forward in your review.
If in dual reviewer mode, you can filter those citations that you have cast one "Maybe" vote on by using the filter function at the top of your 'Awaiting other reviewer' list. If in dual reviewer mode and a citation receives two "Yes"/"Maybe"votes it will move forward in your review and you'll be able to see those votes cast by clicking on "History" underneath each citation.
If the second vote is a "No" then that citation will move to your 'Resolve conflicts' list. Here you won't be able to see those "Maybe" votes unless they were cast by you as seeing your co-reviewer's previous votes can lend itself to biasing the adjudicating vote.
You won't be able to generate your list of citations that received a "Maybe" vote during title and abstract screening. At Covidence we try and pride ourselves on ensuring the best possible methodology. As a result, all voting is blinded, meaning that, if in dual reviewer mode, your co-reviewer won't be able to see which citations you voted "maybe" on until they have cast their vote, and if this vote is also a "Yes" or a "Maybe".