We are working to make the Covidence platform the best it can be. On this page we list the product enhancements and improvements that have been deployed to keep you updated and hope it shows we really are listening to our community.

If you have more ideas we are happy to hear from you by getting in touch via email at: product@covidence.org 



31st August

New option available in Extraction 2.0 that allows you to revert your template to the published version. For more information on publishing templates head to this article on the knowledge base.

20th August 

When merging studies in Extraction 2.0 it wasn’t clear which study was being selected as the study id. This has now been fixed and it is now clear what study is being selected.

5th August 2021

When completing consensus the reviewers comments are now visible to help with your decision making in Extraction 2.0.

For more information on consensus head to this article on the knowledge base.

27th July 2021

In Extraction 2.0, when editing your extraction templates you will see a Published or a Draft indicator. It will also show when the template has last been saved and published and who made the change. If a template is published then all studies will see this version when extracting data. For more information on publishing templates head to this article on the knowledge base.


When you updated your review team settings or criteria & exclusion reasons, reviews switched from Extraction 2.0 to Extraction 1.0. This has now been fixed and will no longer switch between the two when you change the settings.


21st July 2021

Over the coming weeks we will be improving the publishing functionality within Extraction 2.0. The first of these, is a friendly warning to notify you of the implications when you select to start your data extraction template from scratch. For more information on publishing a template in Extraction 2.0 head to our knowledge base.


29th June 2021

Improvement: Unpublished template appearing in consensus screen: Some users experienced a difference between published and unpublished templates in Extraction2.0. The unpublished version was appearing on the consensus screen. This has now been rectified and only published versions will display.