In dual-reviewer mode in Extraction 1, the 1st reviewer and 2nd reviewer have different permissions when extracting data from studies. Some actions are available to the 1st reviewer only. 

Here is a summary of who can do what while extracting data:

If you need to make a change to the extraction form, we recommend you contact the 1st reviewer to discuss this.

By default, the extraction template can be updated by any member of the review team. The "Templates can be edited by" rule in team settings (see below) can be used to limit who can edit templates.

The following features enable flexibility in the extraction process while maintaining the control needed to produce a reliable, complete, and consistent set of data.

Manage reviewers

You can change the 1st Reviewer by clicking “Manage Reviewers”. If the name of the person you want to assign as 1st Reviewer is not listed, check the rule “All studies must be extracted by” in Team Settings. When re-assigning a reviewer, you can choose to:

  • preserve form data
  • clear form data

Team settings

Three rules in team settings can be used to limit permissions in Extraction 1. 

  • “All studies must be extracted by” lets you define who must extract data from studies. You could use this functionality to ensure that an experienced reviewer will be the 1st Reviewer.
  • “Consensus can be resolved by” lets you control who can complete consensus during data extraction. Along with this rule, a consensus reviewer also needs to be either the 1st Reviewer or the 2nd Reviewer for a study.
  • “Templates can be edited by” lets you control who can edit the data extraction and quality assessment templates in Extraction 1. If a reviewer can’t edit templates, then they will not see the buttons for “Data extraction template” and “Quality assessment template” in Extraction 1.