When you remove a reviewer from a review in Covidence, they will no longer be able to access or contribute to the systematic review. However, their previous votes and decisions remain unless you manually undo them. This means you may still see reviewers who have been removed from the review listed as having contributed to the voting.
Can I remove reviewers who have extracted data or done quality assessment?
A reviewer who has not contributed to or been assigned to any data extraction or quality assessment can be removed from the review. They will not be notified of this change. They will no longer be listed in as a reviewer in the Settings section and they will no longer be able to access the review or any of its data.
A reviewer who is associated with extraction of data cannot be removed from the review.
In both Extraction 1 and Extraction 2 it is possible to re-assign the extraction or quality assessment forms of the same studies to another reviewer. You can do this by clicking on the 'Manage reviewers' function beneath each study. During re-assignment, the system will ask if you want to keep work already done or start over.
Note that removing a co-reviewer from a free trial review will not credit you with the option to invite an alternative co-reviewer. If you'd like to do this, you'll need to upgrade your subscription to a paid plan.