In Covidence, the status "awaiting other reviewer" means that a reference has been voted on by one reviewer, but a second vote is required before the reference can be moved to the next stage in the review process. "awaiting other reviewer" not only signifies a stage in the review process where one reviewer has completed their assessment or screening of a particular study, but it also reflects the default setting in Covidence known as "dual reviewer mode." In dual reviewer mode, each study is independently assessed by two different reviewers.

The system then awaits the completion of assessments from both reviewers before progressing to the next stage in the review process. If you instead only want one vote to be required to move a citation forward, then you can change to single reviewer mode. To do this go to Review Settings. Select “1” from the drop-down menu. However, please note that changing this setting to “1” will cause any citations that have one vote to move forward permanently in your review! Once they’ve been moved forward they cannot be moved back in bulk.