The interventions section of the template is designed to capture details about the interventions received in each group of the study.

Interventions are user defined on the template. All interventions added to the template will appear for all studies in data extraction. When completing data extraction for a study the 1st Reviewer can select which interventions were included in that study.

There are no default fields within the template and the section is broken down into two subheadings, described in more detail below.



Interventions are defined at a review level in the template as shown below. Interventions added to the template will show on all studies. All fields are free text and can be added and deleted within the template as required.

When extracting data from a study, the 1st Reviewer can select which interventions are included in the study. Optionally you can add multiple groups linked to the template-defined interventions and add a group name for accurate reporting. More information about extracting data from a study can be found here.

Intervention characteristics

The intervention characteristics subheading does not include any default fields. Custom fields can be added to suit your review.

Within the template, you can add characteristics to capture details about the interventions received within the study, as shown below. All fields are free text and can be added and deleted within the template as required. 

Intervention characteristics will depend on the type of variation expected between studies. For example, if the template intervention is ‘Beta agonist’ as shown below, characteristics may be needed to record how the intervention was defined in the study, the dose, frequency, and mode of delivery (e.g. inhaled, oral, type of inhaler…).


Intervention characteristics defined in the template will appear as a table when completing data extraction for each study, with columns for each intervention group.