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118 articles found for “settings”:
How to configure settings
FAQ: What can the 1st and 2nd reviewers do when extracting data?
FAQ: Why do I see a different number of studies than my co-reviewers?
FAQ: Can I allocate a set of studies to a specific reviewer for screening?
How to create and manage full text exclusion reasons
How to do single reviewer extraction in Extraction 2
How to do comparison and consensus
How to create and manage keyword and phrase highlights
FAQ: Why don't the numbers in my PRISMA flowchart add up?
How to screen by full text
How to switch from dual to single reviewer mode
What does the status "awaiting other reviewer" mean in Covidence?
How to invite a team member to a review
How to create a review
FAQ: Why are the abstracts missing from my imported studies?
How to export study lists to your reference manager
How to create, publish and update a data extraction template
University of Illinois Chicago
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
University of Massachusetts Boston | Healey Library